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Confirmation of Independent Contractor Status


It is the express intent of both you and Grey Ghost LLC that you will be an independent contractor and not an employee, agent, joint venturer, or partner of Grey Ghost LLC. To ensure there is a full and complete meeting of the minds regarding the fact that you will be an independent contractor and not an employee, you must indicate your understanding and agreement with the following:


  • You understand and acknowledge that when and if you are chosen for deployment to a disaster relief site, you will provide and use your own transportation, tools, and equipment.

  • You are being considered for deployment to disaster relief sites because you have specialized knowledge and abilities to perform the necessary tasks; Grey Ghost LLC does not provide you training or supervision.

  • Because in a disaster relief situation it is not feasible to compensate workers on a commission or job basis, payment to you will be determined based upon hours worked, but the hours are not set or scheduled. You should work the amount of time necessary to finish the task for which you have been deployed, and keep track of your hours.

  • Grey Ghost LLC does not pay for your expenses. As an independent contractor, you are solely responsible for your own expenses incurred in performing your tasks. After your tasks are completed and/or expenses incurred, you may submit receipts to Zebra Recovery for reimbursement. 

  • Because you are an independent contractor, you have the right and ability to perform services for other persons or entities. In other words, there is no exclusive relationship between you and Grey Ghost LLC.

  • This independent contractor relationship is terminable at will and without cause.

  • You are not an employee of Grey Ghost LLC for any purpose, including with regard to state and/or federal taxes. You are solely responsible for any and all taxes and fees imposed by law in connection with the performance of the services you provide.

  • As an independent contractor, you are not entitled to any employee benefits of Grey Ghost LLC, including, without limitation, health, dental, life or disability insurance, profit-sharing or 401(k) benefits.

  • You have no authority to act, to enter into any contract, or to incur any liability on behalf of Grey Ghost LLC.


Nothing which has been stated on behalf of Grey Ghost LLC, either in writing or verbally, shall in any way be interpreted or construed as creating or establishing the relationship of employer and employee between you (or any of your employees or agents) and Grey Ghost LLC.


By signing up and receiving a KDU#### badge number, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the foregoing, and you agree that your relationship with Grey Ghost LLC is that of principal-independent contractor and not employee-employer.

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